UCAR announces the reasons of its success

Ucar, the leading national low-cost car rental company in the multiduration rental segment, presents the reasons for its success. The company's growth is the result of the democratization of the car rental market. The sector is booming and has development prospects, affecting only 6.7% of the French population. In addition, the consumer's relationship with the automobile has evolved in recent years. We are moving from an occasional rental to a "lifestyle" rental. The brand has a privileged relationship with its customers, with an average of 5 rentals per year. It should be noted that a next Ucar theoretical training course is scheduled from 26 to 30 September 2011. Founded in 2000, the network currently has 250 branches and aims to double its network in the coming years.
Company expansion at Brazilian Airports
Holdings has reduced its energy consumption in New York by 10%

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